A Labour Day feast

After helping our friends move house on Saturday and building a new grill on Sunday – I was in need of a rest come Monday. Monday here in the USA was Labor Day.

The first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of the United States.

So what better thing to do than get some friends together and enjoy a meal – grubandbooze style!

Bacon Wrapped Pork

That means BBQ , Beer and wine and the obligatory innuendos from our friends such as “I like your erection”. Now calm down, he was referring to our new patio cover – not what your mind was probably thinking about!

On the menu was my Bacon Wrapped Pork which is fast becoming a firm favorite with friends, this time I added some sliced apple between the pork loin and the bacon, tasted good, but it meant the bacon didn’t grip the pork that well and came undone in places, Well, lesson learnt. Also, from the grill we had shrimp, burgers, marinated chicken (I confess to buying it pre-marianted) and some beautiful marinated salmon, using my newly discovered fish marinade and the most delicious home made Soda Bread (keep an eye on my blog for the Soda Bread recipe). Oh and finally my goto salad and roasted new potatoes – there was so much food!!


Better than sex?

Dessert overload!

For dessert our guests kindly bought a “Better than sex cake”, a German chocolate cake base, with lots of caramel and icing/frosting and heath bar pieces (for the Brits think Diam Bars)- It tasted so good but I’m not convinced the name of it is accurate. 🙂

Not much left of the Sticky Toffee Pudding

We also had Sticky Toffee pudding and ‘Birds’ custard and Jeff’s favorite –  “Spotted Dick”  – you can only imagine the innuendos on that one! – Bet your mind is already concocting a few. You should have seen Jeff’s face as he tried a “spotted dick” with his Better than Sex Cake slice- it was truly a picture!

Enjoying his spotted dick!

Such a great time, booze, food and great friends!