Tip Tuesday: Getting more juice from a lemon or orange

Grubandbooze logoHey everyone and welcome to Tip Tuesday’s each week. Yep you guessed it on a Tuesday, GrubandBooze will be publishing one short tip related to food or of course booze – what else!

Today’s Tuesday Tip

Maximizing the juice from a lemon or orange

Have you ever squeezed a Lemon or Orange and thought, is that all the juice I get from it?

There is a really simple tip for getting more juice from these fruits. Its so simple I don’t know why I have only just learnt this one!

Take you fruit, and place it in a microwave proof dish and simply microwave for a few seconds. Then squeeze as you would normally and a) it will make it easier to squeeze and b) you will maximize the amount of juice that you get.

Try it – it really works!