Palm Springs Private Paradise

Palm Springs Private Paradise

That was a good steak! What a brilliant weekend, caught up with some friends who I haven’t seen in nearly ten years! We spent a weekend in what can only be described as a little bit of paradise – quiet, tranquil (well until we all 

Latticed bacon wrapped pork filet.

Latticed bacon wrapped pork filet.

Out last night for a double date night, so we hit the town – a very boozy evening, fantastic wines and unbelievable good Old Fashioned’s, full of dancing, a dive bar and so much fun but sooo tired today, I really must be getting old. 

Concert, BBQ, Boomers and catching up with good friends

Concert, BBQ, Boomers and catching up with good friends

Happy Weekend everyone! Wow, what a fab weekend! Glorious weather, great people, a few beers along the way and lots of fun! Friday night was pretty cool! With our great friends who live in Ladera Ranch. Together we went to a concert in the park. 

They fourth me to do it even as an Englishman

They fourth me to do it even as an Englishman

Celebrating the 4th July How did you celebrate the 4th of July, America’s birthday or otherwise named Independence Day? Being a Brit, couldn’t help myself with the old favorite line, we are celebrating giving it back to you. Normally we host the 4th July as 

Strawberry Picking, our Anniversary and catching up with good friends

Strawberry Picking, our Anniversary and catching up with good friends

What a fab weekend! It’s not over yet! Friday saw us celebrate our 22nd Wedding Anniversary. 22 years ago I married my best friend, soulmate and it turns out a fab mother. Claire has the patience of a saint – confirmed by the fact that 

5 ways to enjoy  a burger while dieting.

5 ways to enjoy a burger while dieting.

5 alternatives ways to enjoy  a burger when dieting. If you have followed my blog , you will know by now that our family is on an ongoing healthy eating regime, and we all seem to be enjoying it, teenagers spots are disappearing, weight dropping 

How to make Chicken Tikka

How to make Chicken Tikka

This is so tasty. Claire and I love love Indian Food, for me the spicier the better, However, as I get older and definitely not wiser, they can affect me the next day – you get the picture, there’s no reason to elaborate any further. 

A can of Beer and Chicken – BBQ heaven

A can of Beer and Chicken – BBQ heaven

How to cook Beer Can Chicken Now this is amazing and makes the bird so juicy and tender. My family loves this one, and you can serve it with almost anything. Starting with a whole chicken, obviously; make sure all of its insides have been 

A Memorial Day BBQ meat fest

A Memorial Day BBQ meat fest

Its no secret that our friends as well as my family all like meat. Today we had some of our very good friends over for a meal and of course living in So Cal it has to be a BBQ, with it being around 76 

BBQ roasted lamb.

BBQ roasted lamb.

Holy crap my head hurts this morning! Friends over last night for last minute drinks, 4 bottles of wine later, a nerf gun fight with the kiddo’s, got shot in the face with a nerf dart, despite saying no head shots and a Pernod to