Strawberry and Tomato Bruschetta


strawberry and tomato bruschetta

Yummy Strawberry and Tomato bruschetta .

After a fun evening out to celebrate one of our friends birthday’s at the weekend we were raving about the food we had to eat. The ‘queen’ aka the mother-in-law then insisted that I try and recreate one of the appetizers that we had which was unbelievably good. This would also make a great healthy meal as well, just serve a little more.

Very quick to make, the Strawberry and Tomato bruschetta is very simple but delicious.

I chose to pick all the ingredients up at Trader Joes as I like the fact they sell a fat free Feta cheese, which tastes as good as any full fat version that I have tried. Also, their organic ingredients are much cheaper than elsewhere.


  • 4 largish Roma Tomatos (I used Trader Joes Organic ones)
  • 1 .5 Cups of fresh Strawberries (organic)
  • Crumbled Feta or Goats Cheese (I used the Trader Joes Fat Free Feta)
  • French Baguette
  • Balsamic Vinegar
  • Balsamic Glaze (if you wish)
  • A little olive oil

Making the Strawberry and Tomato Bruschetta

To get the most out of this dish you need to prepare it ahead of time. Cut the tomatoes in half and remove all of the pips/seeds and then finely chopped them. Take the strawberries and again finely chop them to about the same size as the tomatoes. Mix together in a bowl, and add a little Balsamic vinegar, not too much or you will overpower the dish. Stir and refrigerate the mixture for about 30 mins. Meanwhile slice the french bread, you need about 12 slices to serve 6 people. Add a little olive oil to  a frying pan and gently crisp the bread both sides in the hot pan. Remove and put to one side until you are ready to serve it. Construct the dish just before serving otherwise it will go all soggy.

To construct the dish, place the toasted french bread on your serving plate, spoon the tomato and strawberry mixture onto the bread slices, sprinkle across the crumbled cheese and serve. Don’t forget to add the Balsamic Glaze if you want as well.


Did I nail it just like the version we had over the weekend? Oh yes, I sure did! The ‘queen’ loved it, together with all the ‘picky eaters’ – they were all asking for more! Not sure I presented it as well as the restaurant version but it sure tasted as good and a perfect combination of sweet and slightly sour.

Serve it with a nicely chilled Sauvignon Blanc – mmm mmm.