Tip Tuesday: Steaming vegetables without a steamer

VegetablesToday’s Tuesday Tip – Steaming Vegetables

Hey everyone and welcome to Tip Tuesday’s each week. Yep you guessed it on a Tuesday, GrubandBooze will be publishing one short tip related to food or of course booze – what else!

So how do you steam vegetables without a steamer

Steaming vegetables is by far the healthiest way of cooking them, boiling tends to strip out the vitamins and leaves them soggy if cooked for too long.

So how can you steam them without a steamer? The first method is to have a large pot of boiling water and place a colander into the pot, ensuring the base does not sit in the water, place the vegetables in the colander and place a lid on top ensuring a good seal.

The second method is to scrunch three pieces of foil into balls, place them into a pot of boiling water and float a bowl on the top of them, add your vegetables into the bowl and then place a lid on the saucepan, do not allow the water to spill into the bowl.