Tip Tuesday: You can save celery for up to a month

saving celeryToday’s Tuesday Tip

Saving Celery. Hey everyone and welcome to Tip Tuesday’s each week. Yep you guessed it on a Tuesday, GrubandBooze will be publishing one short tip related to food or of course booze – what else!

Saving celery for up to a month

Celery is really good for you, full of fiber, low calorie, virtually carb free. It can be used in a salad or cooked in soups, pasta dishes and all sorts of other dishes. It is fantastic as a  juice and is great for your skin but you need a good quality juicer to ensure the pulp is effectively dealt with.

Having said all of that, did you know you can save Celery for up to a month in the refrigerator?

You do this by simply wrapping the Celery in tin foil and storing in a fridge. It really is that simple.

If it begins to go soft (and it will eventually) don’t throw it away! Chop it up and add to a stew, it still has life left in it.

Got a tip you want to share? Then why not just leave a comment below?

Oh, one last thing don’t forget to check out other handy tips here