Tip Tuesday: How to stop brown sugar going hard

Today’s Tuesday Tip

Brown sugarHow to stop Brown Sugar going hard. Hey everyone and welcome to Tip Tuesday’s each week. Yep you guessed it on a Tuesday, GrubandBooze will be publishing one short tip related to food or of course booze – what else!

How to stop Brown Sugar going hard

So I’m willing to hazard a bet, that if you’re a baker, you get fed up with having to separate your sugar as it goes into one hard lump. Brown varieties have a tendency to form into clumps regardless of the container you store it in.

I’m not really a  baker but I do use brown sugar in a lot of dry rubs and when making things with a high vinegar content such as Pulled Pork. Every time I go and get the brown sugar it’s formed into one big lump.

There is, however, a really simple trick to stop this happening. All you need to do is add a large marshmallow to your storage container as well. This reduces the sugar’s ability to form clumps. See, told you there was an easy solution.

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Oh, one last thing don’t forget to check out other handy tips here