Tip Tuesday: How to extract every last bit of marmite from the Jar.

marmite jarHow to extract every last bit of marmite from the jar? Hey everyone and welcome to Tip Tuesday’s each week. Yep you guessed it on a Tuesday, GrubandBooze will be publishing one short tip related to food or of course booze – what else!

How to extract every last bit of marmite from the jar

Marmite is a classic yeast extract spread. Its clever marketing catchphrase is “You either love it or hate it” – I’m in the second camp! I cannot stand the stuff, even the smell of the stuff will make me gag! However, the rest of the family love it.

But there’s a problem with Marmite, it’s really difficult to extract the last bit from the bottom of the jar. In fact, until recently I thought it was impossible. Thanks to the “Queen” aka the mother-in-law, there is a way to do it.

Have you ever notice two flat circles on the side of the round (ish) jar? Well, it turns out that these have been strategically placed there to support the jar, so you can turn it on its side.

When the jar is nearly empty, you simply have to turn it on its side, making use of that clever little flat circle and the marmite will slowly come away from the bottom of the jar and lay in the middle. Making it far easier to extract the last of it. That’s of course if you love it…

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Oh, one last thing don’t forget to check out other handy tips here